Unfair Tolls on Highways 412 and 418 Officially Removed

Doug Ford and the Ontario PC’s are keeping costs down for families and businesses.

The Ontario PC government has permanently removed the unfair tolls on Highways 412 and 418 to help keep costs down for families and businesses in Durham Region.

As of today, drivers will no longer need to pay to use these highways.

“The unfair and expensive tolls on Highways 412 and 418 are officially gone for good,” said Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford. “While the previous government imposed these tolls on drivers, our government is getting rid of them. Whether it’s eliminating the cost of renewing your licence plate, cutting the gas tax and now getting rid of these unfair tolls, we’re keeping costs down for people and businesses here in Durham and across the province.”

Before their removal, Highways 412 and 418 were the only north-south highways with tolls in the province. Permanently removing tolls on these highways will relieve gridlock on local roads across Durham region, encourage economic growth and provide families and businesses with more transportation options and more predictable travel times.

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Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals Will Cost You

December 2, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – On the occasion of the Ontario Liberals’ leadership announcement, the Ontario PCs released the following statement: “Let’s meet the Ontario Liberals’ latest leader, Bonnie Crombie. She doesn’t get the concerns of everyday people. She drives fancy cars and vacations at her home in the Hamptons. She’s been […]

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Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs will Expand Highway 417 for Ottawa Drivers

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